Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise (UCCE)
Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise (UCCE) and similar Cisco contact center solutions enable you to conduct vital communications with your customers, from order taking to customer support. These contact center interactions significantly impact customer experience. When things go awry, both your revenue and reputation can be damaged.
Given their impact on customer satisfaction, it is essential that your enterprise contact centers operate at peak performance. Dropped calls, poor voice quality and other issues that harm customer experience must be avoided.
Deliver exceptional customer experiences by assuring the performance and availability of your UCCE deployment with Cisco contact center monitoring software and optional managed services from ATSG.
What is Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise?
Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise (UCCE) is a contact center solution designed for medium to large enterprise customers. UCCE delivers a full range of call routing and management features over an IP infrastructure. Cisco UCCE environments are multi-layer, distributed applications with multiple service components, thereby making them inherently complex and difficult to manage.
A Cisco UCCE Success Story
When one of Europe’s largest FinTech companies experienced performance and availability issues with its Cisco contact centers, they brought in ATSG to replace their incumbent Cisco managed service provider. At go-live, over 3,800 endpoints, 28 Cisco UCCE servers and 16 Cisco UC servers – along with supporting network infrastructure – were under management by ATSG.
99.8% reduction in incident
volume driven by the ATSG
OPTXTM Platform
93% of incidents proactively
detected by ATSG OPTXTM
Platform without customer
having to report a service issue
By correlating events and automatically validating incidents, the ATSG OPTXTM Platform has reduced incident volumes by 99.8% for the customer. This reduction ensures that ATSG support center engineers spend their time working on real contact center issues for the customer rather than drowning in noise.
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Trust in ATSG’s UCCE Management Credentials

ATSG has over 60
Cisco Unified Contact
Center customers
under management

ATSG holds a Cisco
Advanced Unified
Contact Center

ATSG is a Cisco
Preferred Solution
Partner for monitoring
of UCCE deployments

100% of L2 and L3
engineers in the ATSG
support center hold
Cisco certifications
Learn More About ATSG Service Assurance Solutions for Financial Services Companies.
Erase Resolution Times with Cisco Contact Center Monitoring Software
Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise relies on many different technology components. If any of the UCCE components are experiencing issues, your contact center operations can be impacted. And when degraded performance, an outage, or reduced resiliency afflict your contact center, your ability to deliver positive customer experiences is afflicted as well.
Whichever way your operations are impacted, it is critical to fix the offending issues quickly and even better to avoid them altogether. But with the disparate point tools commonly used to manage various UCCE components, it is difficult and time-consuming to troubleshoot issues and nearly impossible to predict them.
Achieve predictive and proactive service assurance across the entire infrastructure stack supporting your UCCE deployment with the ATSG OPTXTM Platform. The platform delivers actionable intelligence for prioritizing and addressing problems before they impact your critical Cisco contact center services to improve customer experience, protect revenue and reduce IT costs.

The ATSG OPTXTM Platform for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise
The ATSG OPTXTM Platform has been purpose-built to monitor and manage Cisco UCCE by Cisco experts – including several CCIEs – and has achieved Cisco Compatible certification for UCCE deployments. It helps you achieve unprecedented performance and availability for Cisco Unified Contact Center solutions by combining its innovative core capabilities with UCCE-specific features and functionality typically only found in point tools.
Reduce mean time to notify (MTTN) and mean time to repair (MTTR) with the ATSG OPTXTM Platform’s ability to conduct full-stack monitoring and end-to-end management for UCCE environments. This unique approach to UCCE monitoring and management enables the platform to detect, pinpoint and alert on both new and impending issues that impact UCCE, whether the issues are specific to UCCE or they stem from the underlying IT infrastructure.
Strengthen your UCCE troubleshooting capabilities via a central repository of serviceability information. The ATSG OPTXTM Platform’s contact center serviceability portal delivers a wealth of information on your UCCE environment in one location and enables you to make changes to the environment quickly and easily.
• The portal makes it easy to see where some system sub-processes have recently restarted, thus indicating an underlying issue
• Instead of always logging every detail, the portal allows trace levels to be quickly configured to gather additional information for engineers researching problems
• The portal also provides the ability to set logging levels with a single action, and generated logs are attached to relevant cases within the platform to reduce MTTR when issues arise
Enhance your ability to resolve UCCE issues that negatively impact customer experience – such as routing errors and configuration problems – with a survivability dashboard that processes Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) information and presents it to operations staff for troubleshooting.
• An intuitive interface enables users to view call status and drill in to look at all related logs to help troubleshoot issues
• By collecting and storing logs, the OPTXTM Platform allows for troubleshooting in large environments where logs are typically overwritten quickly on application servers due to limited memory
• Having logs from all servers in a single location also streamlines troubleshooting and thus reduces MTTR
Quickly and easily identify misconfigurations in ICM scripts with an ICM script review tool that maps and presents a graphical representation of call flows in a Cisco contact center.
• The tool provides a single view of all scripts in a single location so that engineers are not required to log into multiple devices to try to understand and map call flow manually
• The tool also identifies changes made to ICM scripts, plus who made them and when they were made, to improve the ability for IT teams to resolve any issues caused by changes
Leverage easy access to performance metrics including calls in progress, calls in queue, calls per second, concurrent agents logged in and many others available across UCCE and gathered by the ATSG OPTXTM Platform.
• The ATSG OPTXTM Platform aggregates the above metrics across multiple instances of contact centers in distributed environments, and also from endpoints, then creates baselines based on day of week, time of day and other time periods to detect and alert on abnormalities
• The above metrics are also available in the platform’s performance metrics dashboard for additional troubleshooting and capacity planning
Eliminate the noise common in management deployments relying on multiple point tools with a platform that integrates UCCE-specific features with powerful core capabilities – such as Root Cause Analysis (RCA), Smart Analytics and Business Impact Monitoring (BIM) – to provide a best-of-breed solution.
Talk to Us About Your Cisco Contact Center Needs.
Maximize Your UCCE ROI with Cisco Contact Center Managed Services

Despite growth in CCaaS offerings, not all companies are in a position to undergo a forklift upgrade to the cloud. If you have a premises-based Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise deployment, you have likely made significant investments in the components that make up that deployment. You have also likely heavily customized your UCCE deployment to align with your business needs, and you may not be able to replicate that customization with a CCaaS offering.
Nonetheless, the cloud is still compelling. CCaaS offerings provide high performance while relieving you of the responsibilities associated with on-premises solutions. This value proposition can be especially attractive at a time when there is a shortage of skilled Cisco contact center engineers available for hire.
Gain all the benefits of a CCaaS offering while maximizing the return on your investment in UCCE by leveraging the ATSG Managed Network Services (MNS). ATSG’s RMS enables UCCE customers to achieve high performance and retain critical customizations while taking a hands-off approach to IT operations management.