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Malware Attacks Could They Happen to You

Until it happens to you, a malware attack may be something that you kept in the back of your mind and haven’t given much thought to.

Just a few months ago, however, several federal agencies issued a joint cybersecurity advisory to warn organizations about cybercrime threats from various criminal groups. Cyberattack threats have been consistently growing, and now is the time to ensure your organization is protected before you become a target.

As we explained in a previous blog post, cybercriminals are shifting their attack methods according to news cycles, changing their method of attack accordingly. These attacks continue to be successful because a significant number of victims submit to the demands of the campaign because they have no other way to restore their network and get back to business.

Experts predict that this year will be an even more potent year, with attackers now focused on cloud operations. Cybercriminals look to exploit organizations and if they gain access to an organization’s cloud systems and platforms, sensitive corporate data or personal information of customers and clients can be compromised. However, there are numerous steps you can take to help prevent malware attacks, and these best practices will add needed protection.

Increase Education Regarding Social Engineering Techniques

One of the best ways to combat malware attacks is to train your team to spot them when they first receive them. Create monthly user education and reminders to help employees better spot suspicious emails and documents before it’s too late. Give them a basic education on the various social engineering techniques used and how to avoid falling prey to them. Make sure your teams are aware of what to look for.

Require Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication requires users to provide two or more verification factors to gain access to their account, your network, or any other protected resources. This method decreases the likelihood of a successful cyberattack because it requires users to log in with more than just a username and password. Factors that multi-factor authentication can use may include one-time passwords, biometrics, or software tokens.

Additionally, require employees to pick a strong password that includes special characters and other more complicated parameters. Also, make sure users change their passwords frequently, at least quarterly or bi-annually. This will also help prevent someone from gaining access to vital resources.

Use a Next-Generation Endpoint Protection Solution

One of the most vulnerable parts of your network is your endpoints, so it is important to use next-generation endpoint protection solutions that include machine learning capabilities that can spot suspicious files and provide attack indicators faster than anything else on the market. Also, consider beefing up your protection by using a managed endpoint solution, which offers a dedicated cybersecurity team with experts who monitor endpoints, perform strategic analyses, and detect behavioral anomalies.

Reduce the Surface Area of Attack

Ensuring devices and software are up to date and have the latest security patches is key to preventing cyberattacks. Make sure to keep a log of when devices and software were last patched and stick to a consistent schedule.

Employ a Least Privileges Model

A least privileges model gives user accounts access to only those privileges which are essential to perform their job functions. By limiting each person’s permissions, you can limit the spread of ransomware and lateral movement should your network be infected. People are the main reason malware attacks are successful, so restricting access to to confidential information prevents the spread throughout your network.

Identify Malicious Activity 24/7

Malware attacks can happen at any time and often occur when you least expect them. Work with a cybersecurity company that has expertise in your industry and can provide the most up-to-date and comprehensive data on IT security strategies.

A managed solution is highly recommended in order to monitor and respond to the rapidly evolving threat landscape consistently. Extending your team and security with a managed solutions provider, like ATSG, can provide optimal security. We have the dedicated experts, technology, and automated processes you need for optimal day-to-day security management. We’ll analyze your environment 24x7xAlways and quickly act on events that threaten your business. ATSG will help you eliminate vulnerabilities, stop attacks in their tracks, and quickly get you on the path to recovery should your business be impacted.

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ATSG, Inc., is leading the transformation into technology solutions as a service with our tech-enabled managed services portfolio and a commitment to technology innovation, operational excellence, and client intimacy.

Recognized by industry leaders and industry-leading publications, ATSG has over 25 years of operating history delivering exceptional client experiences that directly result in competitive advantage, cost savings, growth, and improved operational efficiencies.

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