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Believe It or Not, the Cloud Is More Secure Than Your Building

Businesses have been switching to cloud-based solutions for decades, but numerous industries have seen a dramatic increase in businesses converting to the cloud since the pandemic shutdown of 2020. The sudden and rapid switch to the cloud has raised several concerns relating to cybersecurity. Different federal agencies, including the FBI, have tracked the rise in cybercrime.

Although many businesses are hesitant to switch to the cloud for security reasons, the cloud can actually offer better security than on-premise solutions in many cases.

The Security Benefits of Switching to the Cloud

Many businesses are under the misconception that the cloud is less secure than an on-premise solution, but in reality, cloud infrastructure can be more secure. This is because there’s better oversight, monitoring, and the infrastructure is standardized.

ATSG’s Director of Engineering & Project Delivery Brad Snyder observed that many businesses have resisted switching to the cloud because of security concerns, but switching to the cloud can improve their security:

“Customers were hesitant to get services off-premises and into [the] cloud because they think they’re losing security and visibility. In most cases, they’re actually gaining security because the cloud is typically more secure than what a customer is currently running in an on-prem data center.”

Cloud security can help businesses secure physical and electronic assets while also creating and maintaining user access protocols. Because of the standardized and monitored nature of cloud security, cloud solutions can also resolve potential threats by informing companies how they can further address vulnerable areas.

Cloud solutions are easily scalable so that they grow with your business. Whether you’re running an enterprise or small business, cloud solutions help businesses increase revenue while reducing security risks.

Additionally, cloud solutions offer a secure way for employees to work remotely, which is vitally important for addressing industry trends and unexpected global events. Remote workers can securely collaborate, communicate, and share data from anywhere with quality cloud security.

Securely Upgrading to the Cloud

Since the start of the shutdown in 2020, numerous companies have had security issues with remote employees. The shutdown forced businesses to quickly switch to remote work even though they were unprepared. Remote workers work on various devices and are connected to different networks, which can be highly vulnerable to cyberattacks. The security risks are then increased because those employees connect and share data on your corporate network.

Your cloud solution needs reliable security and support so that you can maintain safety while also continuing to be productive.

Switching to a cloud solution that has optimal security, allows for more visibility and less oversight for maintaining cyber safety. ATSG’s Senior Account Executive, Gregg Carline, noted that great cloud-based solutions are optimal for businesses because they allow you to do more with fewer resources.

“It just makes sense to push everything to the cloud. …  With its level of security, you don’t need the boots on the ground to do a lot of maintenance because things are resolved and remediated remotely.”

When your company is ready to make the switch to a cloud-based solution, you need to make sure that you pick the right solution and work with a technology provider that will help you implement and support the solution efficiently and securely.

Fortunately, ATSG provides businesses with powerful and safe cloud infrastructure and management tools. Our cloud solutions help businesses plan, implement, and optimize their cloud workflow. ATSG’s world-class solutions will equip your business with the best tools for managing business operations while also staying safe from cyber-attacks.

In addition to using a secure cloud-based solution from a quality firm like ATSG, your business also needs to invest in educating employees in cyber safety. Gregg Carline stated that security is about more than just software—your employees need to know how to navigate their work safely:

“Education is significantly lacking and definitely is required. You can have the best tools in the world, but if you don’t have the right safeguards in place, and if an end-user clicks on a suspicious link…. guess what? You just gave them the keys to the kingdom. I’m a big advocate of educating all employees that do have access to any company data to make them aware of what they potentially face.” When navigating the changing world of cybersecurity, you need to use the best cloud solutions and educate your team on staying safe.

ATSG—Transforming the customer experience through tech-enabled managed services

Today’s choices for mobility, cloud, infrastructure, communications, applications, and operations are mission-critical for small, mid-sized, and large enterprises.

ATSG, Inc., is leading the transformation into technology solutions as a service with our tech-enabled managed services portfolio and a commitment to technology innovation, operational excellence, and client intimacy.

Recognized by industry leaders and industry-leading publications, ATSG has over 25 years of operating history delivering exceptional client experiences that directly result in competitive advantage, cost savings, growth, and improved operational efficiencies.

Visit, email [email protected], call (888) 504-9559, or visit one of our five tri-state locations today for more information.

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