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It’s a tantalizing idea, isn’t it? Taki

Trend Flash – When it comes to re-imagining better ways to run a business, CIO’s and IT departments are fast becoming “digital enablers” – focusing time and brain power on areas of the business in need of a digital transition that changes the culture of an enterprise to embrace the modern digital workplace.

The IT department is responsible for making digital workplace technology purchasing decisions for nearly three quarters of enterprises in the United States (72%). CIO’s who are typically concerned with the technology, flexibility, manageability and cost of this new digital model are smart to take cues from their company’s functional end users. Only 39% of organizations get significant input from lines of business when defining digital workplace strategies – a pain point when it comes to a successful digital transformation. However, industry researchers report that 87% of CIO’s today believe digitally empowering employees can drive at least 5% additional revenue growth over three years.

What are the Challenges of Creating a Modern Digital Workplace?

According to a recent survey, while 95% of organizations agree a digital workplace is important, only 38% are currently implementing digital workplace technology. The top three challenges to creating a digital workplace include:

  • Budget constraints (41%)
  • Lack of cross-departmental collaboration (31%)
  • Limitations of current platforms (30%)

C-level executives can change all that (that’s you, CIO, and your CEO, too). They already champion digital workplace changes in 65% of enterprises, which can be a dramatic shift in riches. Why? When six in 10 of your employees strongly agree they have the materials and equipment they need to do their work right, you could realize an 11% increase in profitability.

digital workplace

What Are Today’s Biggest Concerns for the Modern Digital Workplace?

When industry leaders are asked about 2019 trends that will shape the current state of the digital workplace, here is some of what they point to.

  • Data Security – There isn’t an enterprise on the planet that isn’t concerned with sharing their data on cloud-based platforms. Cloud customization is the wave of the future.
  • Filtering Fact From Fiction- Our digital world is creating a humungous amount of content and data, and with it comes a focus on its authenticity and accuracy. One of the political hot buttons of our time is “fake news,” and now it’s making its way into the business environment as “fake data.” Search engines, media outlets, social media and enterprises alike will need to investigate unverified data and unreferenced facts of information spread digitally. Enterprises in particular would be wise to establish a single source of company communications and news that employees can trust.
  • Employee Development Revolution – To gain a competitive edge, enterprises spend time and money to build and retain the skills of existing employees. Yet, analysts are tracking a current skills gap that costs businesses $258 million per year. Human resources will not only need to invest in learning solutions that assess capability and measure skills growth, they will need to manage employee digital skills. Some suggest the appointment of “digital skills officers” to structure contextualized training, working closely with the CIO to align the training with technical roadmaps.

How Does ATSG and Digital Workplace as a Service Help?

In today’s business environment, studies show two-thirds of enterprises need support from external partners when planning, designing, deploying and benefiting from workplace technology solutions, while one-third require a third-party partner to take a central role.

Becoming a digital workplace demands you rethink your traditional processes and combine existing tools with new technologies and automation that redefine how people work. With ATSG as your managed services partner, enabling seamless real-time interactions, efficiency improvements, predictable outcomes and cost reduction will drive IT automation and digital workplace solutions for your enterprise. Our goal is to empower your end user so their interactions are optimized and efficient. They focus on their core job, wherever, whenever and however they work.

ASTG’s innovative Digital Workplace as a Service provides a highly cost effective, state-of-the-art bundle of devices and software, along with a rolling refresh, deployment and secure endpoint management service that puts the latest digital productivity package in the hands of your users as an affordable, highly secure, fully managed, customizable subscription.

Now, you can subscribe to a modern end point – where any configuration and number of digital users can subscribe to all the digital enablement needed, refreshed on a regular schedule, bundled in a monthly fee so you get predictable costs, predictable performance and predictable service levels for all of your end point environments like mobile, desktop, laptop or tablet.

For CIO’s, this is a whole new world in terms of how to deploy, manage and refresh end points to enable end users, and it’s easier to scale, too. If your enterprise acquires an asset or makes a wave of hiring, all you need to do is increase your Digital Workplace as a Service subscription volume and ATSG will deploy pre-configured, fully secured, new subscription units out to the field, all with a simple adjustment to your monthly subscription fee.

Is Personalization and Self-Service Also Available?

In a word, yes. We provide flexibility, personalization and customization while adhering to corporate standards – within the service. Users are able to self-provision to new devices from software tools, with approvals and workflows in place. The natural tension between the end user’s desire to be personalized and the enterprise’s desire to be highly locked down and standardized is dissipated with Digital Workplace as a Service. It’s a new world, indeed.

ATSG – Transforming the customer experience through tech-enabled managed services

Today’s choices for mobility, cloud, infrastructure, communications, applications and operations are mission-critical for small, mid-sized and large enterprises. ATSG, Inc. is leading the transformation into Technology Solutions as a Service with our tech-enabled managed services portfolio and a commitment to technology innovation, operational excellence and client intimacy. Recognized by industry leaders and industry-leading publications, ATSG has 25 years of operating history delivering exceptional client experiences that directly result in competitive advantage, cost-savings, growth and improved operational efficiencies. Visit, call 1.914.984.2400 or visit one of our five Tri-State locations today for more information.

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