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We all remember the summer of 2020, when Covid-19 turned everything upside down, and forced many companies worldwide to re-visit their DR and BC plans. Turns out, many enterprises were un-prepared for the long-term impact of such an event. As a result, executives were left scrambling to protect their teams, keep customers satisfied and quite frankly, keep their doors open for business. That was “survival mode” for many, with only the most resilient enterprises managing to stay afloat. Sadly, some businesses did not make it to the other end.

Now, as we are half way through the year 2023, the focus on resilience is more crucial than ever. It is time to rethink how we do business, and embrace agility. For this, businesses need to shake things up, and re-evaluate their Business Continuity (BC) and Disaster Recovery (DR) strategies, so as to adapt to emerging cyber threats and ensure un-interrupted operations.

ATSG's Comprehensive Disaster Recovery Strategy – Understanding the Key Metrics for Business Continuity

Join us, as we explore the key metrics for Business Continuity (BC), and how ATSG’s comprehensive cloud based Disaster Recovery (DR) infrastructure can help your enterprise thrive in testing times.

The Role of Disaster Recovery Metrics in Continuity Planning

Today, modern enterprises have to contend with a world filled with potential threats, ranging from natural disasters to malicious cyberattacks. In such a hostile technology landscape, the importance of robust DR and BC capabilities cannot be stressed enough. These practices ensure that businesses remain operational, even in the face of adversity.

Remember, BC and DR are not just fancy acronyms; they play a vital role in minimizing the impact of outages, and disruption of business operations. Think of them as the “safety nets” that enable an enterprise to bounce back, when problems occur. They also minimize the likelihood of emergencies turning into full blown “nightmares.”

Interestingly, BC and DR go well beyond the confines of just IT. They encompass a wide range of considerations, such as crisis management, employee safety and alternative work locations / DR sites. It is an all-encompassing approach that ensures every aspect of the business is well prepared for un-expected contingencies.

The Role of RTO in a Disaster Recovery (DR) Strategy

When it comes to businesses prioritizing their recovery efforts, there is one important metric that just cannot be ignored; the Recovery Time Objective (RTO). In simpler terms, RTO is the window of time within which, critical business processes need to be up and running again.

The RTO can vary from enterprise to enterprise, with some measuring it in minutes, hours or even days. However, the fast-paced world we live in today, is pushing decision-makers to aim for much shorter RTOs, ranging from a few minutes to few hours at the most. After all, time waits for none, especially in the corporate realm.

RPO – A Key Metric in Disaster Recovery (DR) Planning

Now, let’s talk about the Recovery Point Objective (RPO), another critical aspect of ensuring a smooth recovery after an incident or disruption. It is a measure of how much information a company can afford to lose, in the aftermath of a cyber attack or breach, prior to facing serious consequences. This includes not only mission-critical data, but also those indispensable applications that keep employees operating efficiently, in the event of an emergency.

Here is the thing; RPO is not necessarily tied to time, like its RTO counterpart. To make things simpler, consider the example of you playing a video game that automatically saves your progress at specific checkpoints. RPO is like the last checkpoint, where your game was saved. If you accidentally make a mistake, or your gaming character dies, you can go back to the most recent checkpoint, and resume playing from that point. However, any progress made after the checkpoint will be lost, and that is acceptable.

In the context of data and systems, RPO represents the acceptable amount of data loss after a disruption. So, whether it is safeguarding critical data, or maintaining the efficiency of applications, keeping a close eye on RPO is essential. It is the key to bouncing back from a disruptive event, without enduring significant losses.

The Role of Granularity in ATSG’s DR Strategy

In the quest to build a robust DR strategy, one important aspect that enterprises cannot afford to overlook, is granularity. It refers to the level of detail and precision in defining RTOs and RPOs, within the context of Disaster Recovery (DR) and Business Continuity (BC) planning.

Why does this matter? Well, granularity provides crucial context to the data that needs protection, based on specified RTOs and RPOs. Essentially, it helps enterprises understand the different levels of files and data protection requirements that contribute to overall sustainability. Keeping the afore-mentioned discussion in mind, it is important to talk about how businesses can streamline their cybersecurity defenses with ATSG.

ATSG is passionate about securing your enterprise at the granular level. Its un-rivaled micro-segmentation capabilities are designed to meet the unique challenges faced by enterprises.

ATSG remains dedicated to empowering its enterprise clients with the tools and expertise they need to effectively combat cyber threats. This not only ensures robust DR and BC, but also delivers peace of mind.

The Key Considerations for a Resilient DR Strategy

When it comes to formulating a resilient DR strategy, there are several considerations that deserve attention.

  • First up is the Business Impact Analysis (BIA). Enterprises should think of it as a thorough assessment of their critical functions, systems and data. This is to prioritize recovery efforts, and allocate resources effectively.
  • Next, we have the Risk Assessment This involves evaluation of the various risks and vulnerabilities that could potentially cause disruption. This way, businesses can develop preventive measures to mitigate any associated risks. After all, being proactive is the “name of the game.”
  • As discussed earlier, the role of Recovery Time Objectives (RTOs) and Recovery Point Objectives (RPOs) is equally important. Businesses should set clear benchmarks for downtime tolerance, and acceptable data loss timelines.
  • Moving on to data backup and storage, businesses need to establish a reliable strategy in this regard. For this, they should establish reliable backup strategies, including frequency of taking back-ups, storage locations and retention periods.
  • Proper communication and notification are also crucial during a disaster. Businesses should develop a clear communication plan, which keeps all key stakeholders fully informed of the situation. After all, effective crisis management relies on timely and accurate communication.
  • Moreover, let’s not forget about training employees on their roles and responsibilities, especially during a recovery effort. Businesses should regularly test their DR and BC plans for efficacy, by simulating disruptive scenarios, and training employees on their specific roles and responsibilities.
  • Lastly, enterprises must remember that DR is an ongoing process. Continuous monitoring and updates are necessary to stay ahead of emerging threats.

The Long-Term Benefits of Defining DR Metrics with ATSG

Today’s highly competitive business landscape compels enterprises to understand the importance of having a strong cybersecurity posture. That’s why businesses increasingly turn to ATSG, a trusted provider of managed IT services and intelligent technology solutions, renowned for its robust cloud powered Disaster Recovery (DR) and Business Continuity (BC) capabilities.

At ATSG, we also take your enterprise cybersecurity to the next level. Our focus on Vulnerability Assessment ensures a thorough evaluation of your existing IT infrastructure and cybersecurity posture, identifying critical gaps that require immediate attention. We provide tailored solutions to address today’s complex vulnerabilities and meet your specific requirements, thus enhancing your overall DR and BC capabilities.

Beyond assessments, ATSG also excels in Cybersecurity Strategy Formulation. In order to provide you with the best cyber defenses, we leverage Cloud security insights and industry best practices. In addition, our advanced Managed Detection and Response (MDR), and Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) capabilities empower us to proactively detect, and swiftly respond to cyber threats.

At ATSG, we understand the importance of safeguarding your business, and making sure its operations remain un-interrupted. With our extensive suite of cloud powered Disaster Recovery (DR) and Business Continuity (BC) capabilities, you can rely on us to provide robust protection for your on-premise, Cloud-based and hybrid environments.

Contact ATSG, and future-proof your IT operations. This way, you can leverage our robust Disaster Recovery (DR) and Business Continuity (BC) capabilities, and gain a competitive edge in today’s dynamic business landscape.

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